How we use different types of personal data that we get from you

We only use data to provide a better experience

Information and personal data that you submit to us is used only for the purposes intended.

If you request a quotation or you submit documents to us we only use the information to get back to you with the information you need.

We will create a contact card for you in our management system to allow us to get back to you to track your orders and payments, and any necessary information required to correctly process VAT.

We do not use marketing tools and newsletters to send you spam email. We hate spam as much as you do. We will contact you only in relation to the task you contacted us for.

We do not extract or store in a retrieval system documents you send us for translation except where that is necessary to process your job request and the information is not used for profiling or analysis nor is it sent to a third party for any other purpose.

If you apply to us for looking work you will be asked to submit some information such as your CV / resume that will include your contact details. We store this information securely for review and assessment. If we wish to contact you further we will do so with the intention of offering you work when we will require additional information from you to prove who you are and to validate your identity, qualifications and where necessary your immigration and taxation status. All information is stored securely and not used for purposes other than to assign you work. When you work some personal information is transcribed into our operating systems so that work can be efficiently assigned to you and we will store some additional personal information in the relevant accounting systems for processing payments.

See how we keep your data protected!