Understanding Human-Managed Translation Solutions

Human translators working

Effective communication across different languages is essential. While machine translation technologies have advanced rapidly, professional human-managed translation services continue to offer significant advantages in various aspects. Let’s explore why human translators remain irreplaceable;

  • Accuracy and Detail

Human translators provide highly accurate translations by capturing the nuanced differences in language, including idioms and context-related meanings. This ensures that the translated material is not only correct but also meaningful. At Transferendum, At Transferendum, our linguists specialize in their native languages, ensuring they localize all your translated materials and preserve cultural contexts.

Because language is deeply tied to culture, human translators excel in understanding culture. This ability makes certain that translations are culturally relevant and resonate well with the intended audience. This skill is particularly critical in fields such as marketing, technical, food and beverage, legal, financial and medical translations.

  • Contextual Insight

Human translators understand the context of the material they translate. They can modify the tone, style, and formality level to suit the target audience and purpose, ensuring they convey the intended message effectively. For example, a human translator can distinguish between the formal tone required in legal documents and the more casual tone that might be appropriate for marketing materials.

  • Quality Control

 Human translationHuman-managed translation services typically incorporate multiple layers of quality assurance. Translators, reviewers, and proofreaders collaborate to ensure that the final output is polished and error-free. All your translated materials at Transferendum undergo rigorous quality assurance checks, guaranteeing seamless translations. Additionally, our translation services are managed under EN 17100 certification, ensuring they are acceptable for any official or legal use.

It’s important to note that different countries have different legal systems, and terms and concepts may not have direct equivalents in other languages. Legal documents often contain sensitive information. When using machine translation tools, there are potential issues with data security and confidentiality. It’s best to use professional translation services to avoid potential inaccuracies and serious consequences. Contact us today for a free quote. Yes, we keep your data secure and do not share it with third parties or for marketing purposes!

  • Adaptability and Versatility

Human-managed translations adapt to the specific needs and preferences of clients. Whether it involves using a particular style guide, or meeting tight deadlines, human-managed systems provide a level of flexibility that automated systems cannot match. At Transferendum, we assign every client a project manager who oversees the translation project from start to finish. They interact with clients to understand their specific needs and deliver tailored translations and localisation solutions, ensuring that the final materials align perfectly with the client’s expectations.


In conclusion, while machine translation tools can be useful, human-managed translation services offer superior accuracy, cultural awareness, and contextual understanding. By leveraging the skills and expertise of human translators, businesses ensure that their messages are effectively communicated and resonate with a global audience. Our translation process enables us to integrate into your workflow and provide rapid quality translations as you produce them. This saves you cost and time. Learn more about who we are and why you should consider choosing us to be your language partner!

Explore in more detail about our translation services span across various industries. These includes; legal translation, certified translation, medical translation, technical and engineering translation, product label translation, user manual translation, financial translation, and more. Contact us today or request a quote. We provide professional translation services in Ireland and across Europe in any language or file format.

Let us be your language department. Get in touch!

Example of Human-managed Translation

Original Text (English): “He’s as cool as a cucumber.”
Literal Translation (Spanish): “Él es tan fresco como un pepino.”
Adapted Translation (Spanish): “Él es un tipo tranquilo.”
Explanation: The English idiom “cool as a cucumber” means someone is very calm. In Spanish, the literal translation wouldn’t carry the same meaning, so it’s adapted to “un tipo tranquilo,” which conveys the intended sense of calmness.


Human translation involves converting text from one language to another by a person, not by machines or online tools. At Transferendum, our native translators use linguistic expertise, cultural understanding, and specialised software tools like Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) to ensure accuracy and consistency. Over the years, we’ve developed comprehensive glossaries that are central to our translation process. These tools, including translation memories, help manage terminology and maintain quality across projects. By combining human expertise with advanced technology, we deliver precise and culturally relevant translations tailored to your target audience.

No, machine translation will not fully replace human translators. While it can quickly handle basic translations, such as translating a menu while on holiday, it lacks emotional intelligence and the ability to grasp nuances, context, culture and the creative elements that human translators offer. Human expertise remains crucial for delivering accurate, meaningful, and culturally appropriate translations.

AI cannot fully replace human translators. While AI handles basic tasks quickly, it struggles with nuances, context, and cultural sensitivity that only human translators can accurately translate. Also, it may produce errors that require human review and correction. Moreover, AI lacks the expertise needed for specialised translations. Human translators provide the subject-matter knowledge and accuracy required for complex documents like legal translation or medical translation.

AI is more of a tool than a replacement. It can assist with repetitive tasks, but human translators are still needed for nuanced, context-rich translations, ensuring quality and cultural appropriateness.

Human-managed translation services usually include several levels of quality control, such as editing and proofreading by additional native translators. This collaborative process guarantees that the final translation is refined, precise, and free from errors, meeting high-quality standards. Our team of linguists are native speakers of the languages they work with. Curious to learn more about us?

It’s simple – you can either contact us directly or submit your document to start your the translation.

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Professional Translation & Localisation Solutions

Seamless integration. Human-managed Processes. EN 17100 Certified
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Professional translation at Transferendum is not a “one size fits all” solution. Our mission is to tailor bespoke translation and localisation solutions to meet your individual needs, budget, and timeline across Europe!

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